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Pozycje w pokerze
Pozycja przy stole jest najczęsciej niedocenianą rzeczą przez początkujących w pokerze Texas Hold'em. Jest to wielkie niedociągnięcie. Gracze ci przegrywają przez to wiele pul.
Twoja pozycja przy stole opiera się o pozycje w relacji do krupiera. Krupier ma najlepszą możliwą pozycje, i on/ona mogą zobaczyć jak inni gracze przy stole reagują zanim podejmie swoją decyzję.
Tak - jeśli masz powiedzmy KQ i jesteś przeciwko jednemu innemu graczowi, twoje szansę nie są złe, ale jeżeli grasz przeciwko 8 lub 9 innym graczom, którzy także myślą, że ich karty nie są złe i warto na nie stawiać, wtedy twoja K i Q nie są juz tak bardzo wartościowe.
Now- if you are in an early position (meaning you are among the first who has to bet) then you have no idea how many players will be playing this hand when it's time to bet or fold your hole cards. On the other hand - if you are in a late position (meaning you are among the last to call) you not only have the knowledge of who and how many players are in on this hand - but if anyone has made aggressive bets. If you are in a late position and hold an OK hand - say a small pair or a KJ - if everyone before you has folded- you've got a strong hand - but if everyone before you has called or raised – you know you've got a weak hand. As you see - this has little to do with your hand - but more the circumstances in which it is played.
The person to the left of the dealer is not only the small blind (SB), but must act first after the flop.
The person to the left of the small blind is the big blind (BB). This person is already obligated to the game and is in another early position.
The person to the left of the big blind acts first before board cards are dealt. This is often referred to as "being under the gun". The clockwise motion of play allows those who act later (in late position) to be at an advantage. As a result, those in late position can play weaker hands or 'gambling hands' with less fear of financial obligation or loss.
Tip: The blind positions . . . and the player under the gun needs to be very selective with their hands. They don't have the privilege of watching other players betting/raising before they must decide if they want to stay in themselves.
The blinds and player 'under the gun' have the least knowledge. As the play moves around the table, each player gains more knowledge about what the other players are doing. Are they in? Are they hesitating? Are they raising? Are they folding? The last player to bet has the maximum knowledge and therefore the best position – they are in what is sometimes called the 'cat-bird seat'.
Knowing how money moves around a table can give you a sense of the importance of position at the table.
One of the little-understood benefits of last position at the table is that you get a lot of free cards as well.
When you get a free card, you're taking a free ride. If nobody bets during a round, you get that opportunity at zero cost. That's what a free card is. Fine. A governing concept of free cards is that you get lots more of them when you're last to act than when you're first to act. Even better, when youʹre last to act, you get control over whether or not you take a free card. You can accept the opportunity, or you can bet and deny the same opportunity to your opponents.
"Zaprzyjaźnij się z graczami po twojej lewej stronie, i wypowiedz wojnę tym po prawej."
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