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Poker Sherlock

"Vaš privatan detektiv koji vam daje korisne informacije o svakom igraču pokera"

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Poker Sherlock prikazuje korisne informacije za mnoge poker igrače za preko 100 Online Poker Igraona

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Poker Sherlock daje većinu informacija koje trebate glede povijesti igrača, preko konzole ili HUD-a, ovisno što odaberete. Ova informacija se prikuplja iz history fileova, i Poker Sherlockove vlastite baze podataka. Srodno drugim Tragačima, Poker Sherlock ne nudi bilo kakve nakon-igre upit objekte

Najsvežiji objavljeni članci o poker [Pročitajte sve poker članke]:
25 Years for Poker Robbery
Last year a woman stole $27,000 from a poker game held in Putnam County. On Oct 24th, she was sentenced to 25 years in prison for the crime. Last month, Jacqueline Dennis pleaded guilty to armed robbery. Judge O.C....
Article written by James Bushinsky - Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Poker - Upcoming Ladies Only Tournaments
Years ago, women were seldom seen at a poker tournament but that is not the case anymore. So much so, that there are now lots of poker tournaments aimed just at the ladies....
Article written by Randy.G - Monday, October 27, 2008

Irish Open 2009 – Sole Survivor
Paddypowerpoker.com has released its latest promotion for the Irish Open 2009 and it’s their biggest ever! All players who participate in the tournament have a chance to win a €100,000 package....
News By Ronald Eagins - Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kentucky Gambling Case on Hold
141 Internet domains involving online gambling have to wait till October 14th for a decision on the case in Kentucky. Kentucky’s Governor, Steve Beshear, is trying to seize the 141 sites but has found a lot of opposition to his play....
News By Joe Glamor - Friday, October 24, 2008

Članci proteklih mjeseci:
Studeni 2008Listopad 2008Rujan 2008
Kolovoz 2008Srpanj 2008Lipanj 2008
Svibanj 2008Travanj 2008Ožujak 2008
Veljača 2008Siječanj 2008Prosinac 2007
Studeni 2007Listopad 2007Rujan 2007
Kolovoz 2007Srpanj 2007Lipanj 2007
Svibanj 2007Travanj 2007Ožujak 2007
Veljača 2007Siječanj 2007Prosinac 2006
Studeni 2006Rujan 2006Kolovoz 2006
Srpanj 2006Lipanj 2006Svibanj 2006
Travanj 2006Ožujak 2006Veljača 2006
Siječanj 2006  

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