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The New Trend in Poker Chips - Custom Poker Chips

Article written by Nigel B.

More and more poker players these days are opting to purchase their own poker chips, and the use of custom poker chips is on the rise as well. Whether you are playing a casual game of cards with the guys, or a fun game of high stakes poker at a charity fundraiser, custom poker chips can be a fun diversion and an excellent conversation starter.

For many years casinos have been using customized poker chips for the pleasure of their clients. These custom poker chips are far more than just an attractive item; they serve an important practical purpose as well. When a casino chooses to use customized poker chips, they help to get their brand name out there, serving an important advertising purpose. In addition, these customized chips serve to foil thieves.

Most casinos use clay composite chips for their custom poker chips, and these clay composite chips are almost impossible to copy. When you add the fact that these poker chips are customized with the name and logo of the casino, it becomes that much more difficult for thieves to duplicate, and that provides a much more secure environment for the casino. Would be poker chip counterfeiters are thwarted in this manner, and that certainly makes the owners of the casino very happy.

These custom poker chips are of course more expensive for the casinos to buy up front, but even with the higher cost more and more casinos are opting for this approach. For one thing, the highly attractive clay composite poker chips are attractive, easy to use, and very durable. Second of all, the fact that they are embossed with the logo of the casino make them valuable advertising, and some of the chips have become quite sought after and quite collectible in their own right.

But it is of course the security feature that is most important in the eyes of the casino. Without these custom poker chips, the casino owners would risk losing millions of dollars through counterfeit and knock off chips, and a sophisticated chip counterfeiting operation could virtually bankrupt a casino overnight.

Since there are so many different types of poker chips on the market, using so many customized materials, it is easy and relatively cheap for virtually any casino to make an attractive, durable, easy to use and hard to copy poker chip that suits both their needs and the needs of their players. The design options for these custom poker chips is limited only by the imagination of the casino management staff.

The personalization of poker chips is not limited to casino operators, of course, and more and more individuals are opting for the option of their own custom poker chips. Many players enjoy customizing and personalizing their own poker chips, and playing with those flashy and fancy poker chips can help player express their own unique style and taste.

Those on the hunt for personalized and customized poker chips certainly have many to choose from. On the low end of the cost scale are the plastic poker chips that can be "personalized" with the use of a marker or a sticker. Next up the line are the custom poker chips that can be made using computer graphics programs and your own imagination. Custom labels imprinted with your name can also be purchased from online poker supply stores.

Those designing their own custom poker chip logos can use those logos to personalize their own clay composite poker chips. These clay composite chips can usually be purchased for about a quarter apiece at online poker supply stores. If you plan to use them to create your own custom poker chips, it is important to buy the kind with recessed centers.

About the Author
Nigel B. is a poker consultant for Signature Poker. Visit www.signaturepoker.com for the latest in poker chips, poker tables and elegant poker chip sets, including custom poker chips.

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