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Is there any casino or poker software available for playing on an iPhone?

Article written by Lloyd B Hunt

Many people contact us asking if we know of any iPhone or iPod Touch Online casino or Online Poker software that can be installed on these devices. Well, we had looked into this issue and so far (May 2008) had not found any iPhone application that allows playing online casino games or online poker games while communicating with a remote server allowing you to gamble for real money or for play money against real people (in case of Poker game) or a dealer (in case of a casino game).

There are, however, a few applications that let you play casino games, such as Blackjack on the iPhone itself without communicating to a server, thus letting you play casino games for your fun only. One of these applications is iBlackjack, developed by iPhone hacker McCarron. McCarron has used Apple's UIKit SDK to develop the native iPhone game, the same framework used by Apple to get the YouTube and Google Maps applications onto the iPhone.

Since we love the iPhone, we will keep you posted as developments in the iPhone Gambling scene occur

About the Author
Our OPI iPhone Gaming department is looking into iPhone and iPod touch industries for progress made in the field of online gambling for iPhone such as Casino Games for iPhone, Poker games, Bingo, Lottery, etc.

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