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Poker - ideas and tactics for improving your game

Article written by Rita Badger

Poker is a game that requires high-level skills and strategy. In this article, we’ll present some ideas and tactics for improving your game. When you’re sitting at the poker table, you need a variety of skills like self-discipline, the ability to analyze opponents’ psychology or mindset and the willingness to take calculated risks. When it comes to poker how-to, these skills are essential.

Self-discipline is perhaps the most important skill a good poker player can have. Whether you play casino poker or online poker or with a regular group, good self-discipline is fundamental. Poker odds will favor savvy players who know when to stay in and when to get out. The stack of poker chips in front of these players will almost always grow rather than shrink. Although self-discipline is a skill that develops over time and with experience, here are a couple of tips that may help you improve your self-discipline.

• Always remember the key point that poker discipline centers on the ability of a player to make sound decisions and abide by them.

• Learn from your mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up or blame others. Look for the lesson in your mistake, resolve to fix or avoid it and move on.

Another key skill when playing in poker games is a clear understanding of human nature. Besides an in-depth knowledge of poker rules and poker odds, the best players use psychology to their advantage. Consider the following:

• Observe your poker opponents carefully and try to empathize with them. This is the key to understanding an opponent’s actions. Once you understand the psychology behind those actions, you can formulate rapid, intelligent and strategic responses.

• Observe your own actions objectively.

• Think visually. This means that you have the ability to verbalize your thoughts by actually attaching words and sentences to them. Visualization will heighten your focus and concentration. It will also improve your recall, so you can make smart decisions quickly.

To be a good poker player, you need the willingness to take calculated risks. The word “calculated” is essential here, and so is the word “balance.” The best players are willing to take risks, but only if the reward is high enough to balance the risk

• Take thoughtful risks with your poker chips and size those risks appropriately. If you constantly take big risks with marginal poker hands, it’s likely that you will lose a lot of the time. To counter this, size your risks: play smaller pots and accumulate chips until you’re in position to survive a larger risk if you lose a high risk hand.

• Remember that the best poker players are often risk-averse to some extent. They prefer to play a balanced game rather than take huge risks on a hand they aren’t likely (at least to some extent) to win. By studying, adopting and developing the traits and skills of the best players, you can vastly improve your game, whether you’re a beginner or expert. Expertise in discipline, analysis and risk-taking are valuable qualities for all poker players.

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