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Playing Online Poker Freerolls

Article written by J Finney

Freerolls are the free tournaments of online poker. There is no entrance fee as in real life tournaments and there are money prices offered usually by the organizer or by the sponsors of that particular game. How to play better if you are engaged in such a tournament will be explained in this article, given the fact that people play freerolls in a strange way, and there isn't such a big commitment because nobody is loosing money.

When deciding to go on and enter a freeroll you must pick a moment when your patience resources are at the top measure. These types of tournaments last a lot mostly because there are many players involved.

After entering, you must play more aggressively than you would usually do. When having a hand like AA or KK you must raise or increase the bid. You will surely get a call, because of so many participants. And you need at least one or two or the bid will lose its power after the flop.

You must play fewer hands. Just wait for the proper cards and play them aggressively. If in normal poker tournaments, played for money, people don't call all the time when they see a big raise from an aggressive player, in freerolls things usually are quite the opposite. If a bad hand appears, drop it. Drop even hands like 6-6, 4-4. But try not to be predicable because some players might keep an eye on you and if you end up playing the finals with them they can tell the way your playing style.

Take a good lock at your position. It helps to know when you are in the first positions and when you are among the last ones. If you get a hand containing Q-10, J-6 and you are in the first positions you should throw them. If on the other hand you are last then call.

As in all types of online poker games, you have to find a way to stay focused. There are many temptations if you get bored and nothing to restrain you from them. There is TV, emails, chatting, talking on the phone. All that must be avoided. Another thing that you must avoid is bluffing. The chances that someone would actually keep on playing are pretty high in this type of competition.

Don't go changing that lucky card or draw. If you almost have a flush or a straight it's tempting to go along with it, but when you have to give away many chips in order to do that it is not recommended. The one that raised the bid so high must already have something and you still need a card or two to actually have a good hand.

These types of tournaments must not be taken as a model. They don't really mean poker, they are full of beginners and the lack of the actual chance of wining or loosing at every hand affects the normal ways of poker. Try not to give importance to hand you've lost or won here, just get over them quickly. Freerolls are not to be played forever because they can make you create a style of playing that is not recommended for real poker. Play freerolls when you are a beginner or out of money, and with the money won here play ring games or real tournaments.

About the Author
Read poker player bios including Hasan Habib and Hoyt Corkins at http://www.poker-player-profiles.com .

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