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Poker Cheats: The Marked Card

Article written by J Finney

As the world of poker players continues to gain memberseveryday, more and more players are looking for easy ways to winthe game. For cheaters, many feel that rather than take the timeto hone their skills, they would prefer to master the skill ofcheating.

Some players have learned how to mark cards as a way to helpthem win the game. Depending on the skill level of the cheater,marked cards can be obvious, or unnoticeable.

Sometimes the dealer will use his own deck of cards, or will getone prior to game play. Many cheaters have learned how to marktheir cards during game play. To avoid having the marked cardsnoticed by other players, the cheater will usually make hismarks so that they do not go all the way thru the card, becauseit would let light be seen through the card, thereby showing themark.

Cheaters card markings are usually just small changes to theback of the cards. They may be scratches, change in design ofthe card, or possibly a bend in one corner of the card.

Marking the cards gives cheaters an advantage to their gameplay. They will most always mark all the high cards, or anyother they card they think is crucial to the game.

Some cheaters prefer to mark their cards by using what is calledshading. They will use a very fine ink to change part of thedesign on the back of the card. It requires the cheater to bevery precise with his markings, but if he does a good job, noone but him will ever notice the marking.

Another technique many cheaters use is called daubing. Daubinguses a special form of ink and a small dauber. The cheat daubsthe ink onto the back of the card, and the ink is invisible tothe naked eye. Special sunglasses are required to see themarkings. The kit to do this with can be purchased at magic ornovelty stores.

Corner crimping is a method that many cheaters will use to marktheir cards with. The cheater will see a card that he wants tomark and will then move that card away from the other cards anduse his thumb or pointer finger to bend the corner of the cardever so slightly. He will be able to spot the marking during thegame, and remember the card. Some cheaters when dealing canshuffle a number of cards to the bottom of the deck, and crimpthe corners on all of them at one time.

Still other cheaters prefer to use thumbnail marking on theircards. The cheat will see a card he wants to mark, and thendrive the end of his nail into the back of that particular card.Players who aren't trained to look for these marks will notnotice them, while the player will be able to spot them for theduration of the game.

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