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Increase Odds of Winning Poker

Article written by Lloyd B Hunt
Saturday, September 15, 2007

It is an important in Poker that you count your outs and calculate poker odds. This is more important if you are playing Texas Hold'Em. You need to understand that why Poker Odds are important in order to increase odds of winning poker. Let's understand this with the help of an example. If your friend is flipping a quarter and he gives you a 1:1 odds that the next flip will land on heads. In this case that 50% of the time it will land on the heads and 50% of the time it will land on tails. In this case he is giving you an even statistic. If he gives you a 2:1 that the next bet will land on heads then there are chances that the bets are tilted towards heads.

Generally in Poker there are two kinds of players, one which takes bad odds, and another group who cash in on the good odds that are left over by the previous group. Though the calculations are little lengthy, once you know how to count the number of odds correctly, you can use that to calculate the percentage of times you will hit your hand by the river in order to increase odds of winning poker. Probability can be calculated for single events and it would be Total Outs/ Remaining cards. For two cards the calculations are a little more complicated. The calculation is based upon the probability of the cards not hitting twice in a row and subtracting that from 100%. Here goes the calculation:

Flop to River: 1-[{(47-Outs)/47}* {(46-outs)/46}]

Turn to River: 1-[(46-Outs)/46]

The number 47 here is equivalent to 52 cards minus 2 in our hand and 3 on the flop which is equal to 47 remaining cards. The calculations are done assuming that there are only two players in the game.

Knowing how to figure out your odds in Texas Hold'em is one of the most fundamental points in becoming an established poker player. If the calculations are bit difficult to understand, just keep playing, and try to implement some of the formulas that you have learnt to properly apply odds. It takes a while to learn how to calculate them properly and to memorize them as well. It won't be long before experience kicks in and you'll be able to increase odds of winning poker.

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